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Lady Palm Trees

Q.Lady Palm tree leaves are looking dry

Zone 93721 | jessieroseli added on May 16, 2016 | Answered

Two weeks ago I had trimmed the leaves to help keep them fresh and I gave the tree some plant food as well. Since then, the tree leaves are starting to wilt (not all of them) and they are very brittle. Could it have been something I did or could the office temperature (74-75 degrees) be too cold for the plant to be in?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 20, 2016

The tree is on a wick system and has a water reservoir that I was instructed to put water in. It is under one skylight and I actually have 2 of the same trees in the office. This one is the only one that is not doing so well.

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Answered on May 19, 2016

I'm sorry your Lady Palm leaves are wilting! There's a chance it's not handling the fertilizer very well, because the temperature ought to be fine. If you haven't moved it to a different location (they don't handle direct sunlight well) and if you haven't changed the watering frequency, you might consider repotting it to refresh the soil and then go lighter on the fertilizer. This article may help you:


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