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Norfolk Island Pine Trees

Q.Indoor Norfolk Island Pine

Zone 80602 | Anonymous added on May 8, 2019 | Answered

I have a 4-year old NIP that lives indoors. It grew very little during the fist couple years as my apartment at the time had poor light. It’s lost many of the lower branches (the needles turned yellow, then brown and dried up, so I trimmed them off). My current house has excellent light but the best spot gets direct sunlight in the evenings in summer. While my plant has grown tremendously the last 2 years, it’s still occasionally losing lower branches to turning yellow. I am not sure if this is from low humidity (I live in Colorado where it’s VERY dry), or direct sunlight burning the needles, or both. I’ve moved the plant to a spot a few feet away from a south-east window where it’s bright but doesn’t get any direct sunlight. I am keeping the pot in a second tray with water for extra humidity (the second tray doesn’t come in contact with the pant’s roots, so it’s not sitting in water). Is there anything else I can do to prevent more branch loss, or is there any way to encourage growth from lower down on the trunks so the plant is more symmetrical?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 8, 2019

Low humidity is one of the biggest reasons this tropical plant suffers.
This article will help you.

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