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Ixora Shrubs

Q.Indoor gardening ixoras

Anonymous added on August 18, 2017 | Answered

How often should you water the ixora? I keep my ixoras in the veranda, where the temperature ranges from 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. For the last three days, the humidity has been around 50%-60%. I just can’t tell how often I should water them. I’m even using a soil moisture sensor right now, and the soil seems relatively moist (it’s been two days). I touched the soil, too, and it was moist. But.. I’m worried that the data is flawed and that the ixoras actually want more water. I’m really new to this!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 19, 2017

This does require a learning curve, here's how to figure out when container plants need watering:

Ixora does like to be watered regularly, so make sure the soil is never completely dry to the touch, but also don't let it get soggy as if it's in a swamp. Most plants recover better from under-watering than over-watering, so as long as the soil is never left in a very wet state for days, the plant will be fine.

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