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Q.indoor ferns in winter

Anonymous added on September 21, 2015 | Answered

I want to keep to of my outdoor potted ferns in my home for the winter months. I live in south Georgia, so not too much real cold weather.

1st Question: what month or how cold should it be before I move plants inside?
2nd Question: suggestion on how to get the least shedding while inside?

I have too large planted ferns in big containers and hard to move.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 22, 2015

I would recommend that you plan to bring it in before the weather outside becomes unacceptable for it. Starting between now and 2-3 weeks from now for your area will be right. The reason being is that starting the process to bring it in now will make sure that the plant is not as exposed to temperature fluctuations as it might be later on. Rapid temperature fluctuations are harmful to the plant and should be minimized, if at all possible.

To help minimize shedding, you need to acclimate the plant to the indoors. The same as you would need to get a plant use to being outdoors, you need to reverse the process for bringing a plant indoors. This article will help with that:

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