Q.Indoor Clivia. Suffolk. Off-shoot of an older plant. When to feed and when to put into the cool.
I was given an off-shoot of a Clivia about 9 months ago. It stands in my living room, on the floor, with sunshine through the patio doors. I read in your articles that it needs about a month of cool temperatures without any watering. What time of year?? But with central heating this will be difficult. Could it go outside in a sheltered place for the month?? And should it be fed for the whole of the rest of the year??

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It doesn't need a cold place for its rest, just a dry one. Withhold water and fertilizer beginning about October. (water just enough to keep foliage hydrated) it needs to rest about 3 months, then begin watering regularly again. Here is more: