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Fig Tree

Q.Indian laurel fig trees

Zone Phoenix | Anonymous added on August 31, 2018 | Answered

I planted 2 indian laurel fig trees 2 weeks ago, all of a sudden they have gone down hill fast.
What can I do to save them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 3, 2018
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Answered on September 3, 2018

Water! Water deeply, water daily. You planted trees in Phoenix at the height of summer. Shame on you, what were you thinking?
Run down to the garden center and pick up a small bottle of Superthrive. Pour a dash in when you water, today!
I grew up in Phoenix and started my landscape career there. I was a foremen on a tree planting crew. I swear by this stuff (Superthrive) for saving trees from transplant stress. But water is the primary life saver in the desert. Don

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