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Q.In Reference To Amy Grant’s Article On Rose Oil..: What Would Be The Cause Of My Safflower Oil And Rose Petal Jar Growing Black/

Zone 02920 | Anonymous added on September 27, 2023 | Answered

brown mold on top of the surface liquid..? I have been keeping the jar in a cool dark cabinet as recommended. Could the problem be if i were to open the jar to add additional petals a few times, since i only have two rose bushes and not enough blooms in one cutting cycle..? Would this re-introduction of new oxygen cause mold to form..? Or, could there be another reason for mold to occur? Possibly if a few drops of dew are still on a few petal..? Or other thoughts..? Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 28, 2023

Did you shake the jar each day as the article suggested? That probably would keep the mold from growing. I don't think adding petals would be a problem as I see other recipes say you can do that. However, it is possible a fungal pathogen came in with a rose petal. Also, your suggestion of dew on the petals could have been problematic.

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