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Hyacinth Plant

Q.improving bad section

Anonymous added on September 2, 2015 | Answered

We have nice zoysia jamur in front and back. In the front, a full half section does not grow lush and green as the section next to it. There is a line that divides the low growing grass from the tall grass. It is on an incline and may be a bit more packed. Should I aerate the bad part? My backyard is fully lush. I am going to put a small garden in the grass (6 ft. diameter). Can I lift the existing sod, cut into small pieces and somehow plug sections of the bad growing section of the front? I imagine I might then have plugs stuck in still low growing grass. I could send a photo or would like to speak to someone. The front yard is so beautiful except for this one section that is immediately next to a good section. There is no physical divider. The good lush immediately changes to the no/slow growing section.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 4, 2015

I would start with determining if you have a build up of thatch.
Here is a few links with more information.
It may be that you have a issue with Brown Patch.


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