Q.I’m trying to identify buds or seed pods on my crape myrtle
Are the little growths adjoining the blooms on my Acoma crape myrtle buds that haven’t bloomed yet – or seed pods from already spent blooms?
If I trim the spent blooms will this encourage the tree to bloom more? Or should I just leave it alone?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
New buds and pods look very similar but these may be new buds. You can tell for sure by pinching one open. The seed pod is hard and has a nut like center. The buds are softer and have petals forming inside.
You can cut the faded blooms after the first flush to promote a second flush, but it is too late in the year to do it now. Trimming in August could delay dormancy for the tree.
Just an FYI, if the seed pods are too high to reach easily, leaving them will not deter blooms the next year.