Q.I’m Trying To Determine The Age Of A Neighborhood Gingko Tree.
The diameter of the trunk is about 10 feet. The present owner of the property believes it may have been planted by the original homeowners back in the early sixties. They were involved in the nursery business and planted a varied canopy around the home they had just built. I wonder if the gingko is older. The next door neighbors hone was built in the 50’s, but perhaps it goes back to the days when that land was part of a farm. It’s close to the street and across from a green belt and creek. This East Dallas neighborhood sits next to White Rock Lake. An extensive creek system both above & below ground feed the lake. Many of the area homes have Wells, or ponds. Farms sold off their land in the early 20’s when the chore or engineers completed the lake., It is the only mature Gingko in our neighborhood. I don’t think there are many in Dallas.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I found this student reference for determining age. Recheck your diameter using these instructions. Different species grow at different rates so some with the same diameter will be different ages.