Q.I’m Putting A New Lawn In Where I Have Lowered The Ground In My Garden, Can I Use The Old Turf As A Base Layer For Levelling Bef
ore top soil? I have dug down to the hardcore when levelling my sloping grass (2ft at deepest) need to create a new bed for my new lawn. Can I use my old turf for the first couple of inches face down to then put new topsoil then new turf? Or what is the best way to prepare the ground? as my old lawn was awful and want this one to be amazing of course. The pictures hopefully show it needs to come down a bit further I think, I’m just waiting on my skip to arrive and keep pondering what the best way to rebuild is. I like to think I’m handy but feel a bit lost, just want to get it right! Thank you

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Generally, you don't want to put anything that is going to break down. That will leave you in the same position in a year or two.
Here is an article that will help you to level your bed: