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Citrus Trees

Q.I’m only 10 years old.

Zone 07014 | Bachi123@optonline.net added on April 13, 2017 | Answered

I looked and looked around for my question but could not find anything.
I’m 10 years old and had my mom purchase my first citrus tree from Home Depot.
After looking at the videos on pruning just realized my tree has 2 main roots on the bottom. Do I have to cut one out to make a main one?
How about the 2 little pointy ones on the to branch?
I am so confused on pruning. Here’s my picture of my little plant.
Please help,

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 15, 2017

Thank you so much, so I should wait till the fall to prune. But how about the 2 roots on the bottom. The one looks to be not growing.

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Answered on April 14, 2017

Yes, you should prune to have a single trunk, but your tree looks quite small.

Pruning should take place in the fall, after harvest.

I would work on getting your plant happy and growing. Full sun! As bright a spot as you can find.
This article will help you.

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