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Bell Pepper Plants

Q.can someone tell me if what I have is a bell pepper plant?

Zone Tampa, FL | TraeC added on October 21, 2015 | Answered

This just came up in a pot that had a pepper plant that died when I used a vinegar/water solution to kill the ants on it. The leaves and tiny white flowers look like the pepper plant, but this is more like a bush and the previous plant was more like a small tree. I’m new to gardening and hoping for better luck if this is a pepper plant.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 22, 2015

I agree your volunteer plant seems to have leaves that look like Bell Pepper seedling leaves.
The vining pattern is not something I can find an image that matches.
I would allow this mystery plant to grow and see if it produces any peppers.

I also am listing some links about ant control for future reference.


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