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Lemon Trees

Q.I’m growing a lemon tree from seed

Zone Brighton, East Sussex | Ritabrophy added on August 10, 2015 | Answered

I’m growing a lemon tree from seed. I’ve got two of them sharing a pot. The large one is nearly 5 inches tall and the smaller one about 3 inches. Should I repot them now? Also, the smaller one has a lot of yellow leaves. Please tell me how to care for them. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 12, 2015

I would separate them and grow as individual plants.

Yellowing leaves generally indicates a watering issue. Either to much or to little.
Make sure you have adequate drainage in the pots and are using a good quality potting soil.

Here is a link with growing and care information.


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