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Snow Creeper Vine

Q.I’m from Malaysia. Where can I get some snow vines aka bridal vines?

Zone 75250, Malacca, West Malaysia. | Anonymous added on November 7, 2019 | Answered

I’m interested to get some snow vines which I’ve search online but don’t seem to find a local seller in my country, Malaysia. Could you recommend a few inexpensive nursery that has this snow vine ?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 8, 2019

We make it a policy not to recommend vendors or products but I did a quick Internet search and a nursery in Malaysia did come up, but I wouldn't know if it was reputable or not. You could ask your local nursery if they could order it for you if they don't carry it.

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Answered on November 11, 2019

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