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Hyacinth Plant

Q.I’m considering planting pachysandra as a ground cover

Zone South Carolina 7-8 | Sheri added on June 8, 2015 | Answered

We have a new patio with a slope around it and need something besides pine straw (live in S.Carolina). The area receives some morning sun, then filtered sun (through big trees), then shade in the afternoon. I’ve had pachysandra before and loved it.

Can I control its boundaries with a 5″ high composite plastic edging? Does it become invasive? I remember it overtook some liriope in a bed with some perennials in our garden area in Virginia where we lived two years ago.

Thanks for your help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 8, 2015

Controlling Pachysandra, this is the question!
Keeping an eye on the plant and keeping it controlled can be an issue.
It's roots are invasive and plastic edging may slow it down but it will find it's way around, under or over it.
Here are a few links.


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