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Q.will my gladiolus bulbs last until next spring

Zone 9 I think. Florida 33881 winter haven | pepperj54 added on May 28, 2015 | Answered

If unopened (from the store, in a box), will my gladiolus bulbs last until next spring? If so, how do I store them? I bought the bulbs a month ago from Home Depot. They are in a box wrapped in cellophane.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 29, 2015

I wouldn't say it's too late to plant your gladiolus. It usually takes 70 – 90 days after planting before the flowers emerge, so I think there's enough of a window there for you to work with.

Most bulbs, if stored correctly, can be kept for about 12 months before needing to be planted. Here is an article on flower bulb storage that will provide you with additional information:

For more information on growing gladiolus, please visit the following link:

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