Q.eggshells and coffee for roses
If I add eggshells and coffee to my roses, do I have to bury them, or will the soil receive the nutrients? I usually add eggshells, used ground coffee, and banana peels to my flowering garden – mostly my hydrangeas and roses. Is it a “must” that they are buried, or is the top of the soil suitable? I bury the bananas but usually crush the eggshells, toss, and slightly scatter over soil. The ground coffee is usually sprinkled. I drink a cup a day in a Keurig so I put very little, daily.
Coffee grounds can be sprinkled directly onto the ground because the grounds work themselves into the soil so quickly and plants will absorb their available nutrients very readily.
Eggshells, on the other hand - I would recommend you work them into the soil as they will biodegrade much faster that way.