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Fig Tree

Q.I would love some help with my new home gardening in SC from the north

Zone 29579 | Anonymous added on April 8, 2020 | Answered

I am a new gardener to South Carolina from NY area. I have a beautiful new home with some animals like foxes, rabbits, deer, coyotes ( never saw one though) and lots of mosquitoes n fire ants) this is all new to me. I hope you can give me some ideas on what to plant and how to protect them. I am a gardner in the north for over 30 years but the south is not my knowledge area. I hope to put in a small pool and gate off some of the backyard. I hope you can give me some good tips! I have fig trees I would love to plant and receive its bounty as well. Right now they live in pots so I can move them when I go soon. Thanks ahead for any advice

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 9, 2020

Living in Zone 8, you have so many choices. I suggest you visit your local extension service or a local landscaper to discuss which plants would be best in your area, and to find out about native plants and trees. In the meantime, here is a link to a series of articles about all kinds of plants for Zone 8.


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