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Clematis Plants

Q.I would like to plant a clematis with a camellia in the same pot. Will the clematis withstand the ericaceous soil?

Zone DH4 7JN | Anonymous added on May 22, 2020 | Answered

Already have a camellia that does very well in a pot however I think it needs to be potted on. Would like to add height to the area with a climber and would like a big impact of a repeat flowing clematis (liking either yukikomachi or hagley hybrid). It is not a large area so would like to use 1 pot instead of 2 if possible.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 26, 2020

Though there are many shrubs, perennials and bulb flowers that would make lovely companions; clematis may not be the best if planted in the same pot or near the camellia. Clematis is a climber and may began to wind itself into the camellia. Also, clematis vines need full sun and camellias need part shade, shelter from the hot afternoon sun.



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