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Money Plants

Q.I Would Like To Know If I Could Change My Money Tree To A Bigger Pot.

Zone 10455 | Malili2011 added on August 20, 2024 | Answered

My money tree Is in a 19 inch pot. Could it be plastic or ceramic, and can I clean the leaves with miracle gro cleaner for leaves? How often am I supposed to water my money tree. From the roots to the top is 19 inches. I would like to change it to a bigger pot. Can I change to a bigger pot, and when in the year can I do it? Thank you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 20, 2024

Ultimately, the container is up to you. I wouldn't go much bigger if you do stage up. This can be done at any time of year for an indoor specimen. Spring and fall will be appropriate for an outdoor specimen. It is safe to assume that this will not be an outdoor specimen in your area. You should do this slowly, though they will be perfectly content to stay in its current container. They don't mind being a little root bound. If you do decide to stage up, then make sure to not overwater. It'll be really easy to do with all of that extra room in the soil with no roots growing through it. As far as watering goes- You only want to do this when the top 1/3 of the soil is dry. It is much better to underwater than to overwater. These articles will offer more in-depth information on these subjects:



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