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Cherry Trees

Q.I think my trees have cherry leaf spot, should I be worried?

Zone Runcorn WA7 5LW | Anonymous added on August 19, 2020 | Answered

I recently purchased 6 weeping cherry blossom trees for my garden. They were delivered & planted last Monday. I have since noticed problems such as spots & holes in leaves. After googling this I think it may be Cherry Leaf Spot disease. I am new to gardening and I am worried that the trees won’t survive. Can you give me any advice? Should I contact the company where I purchased these trees?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 20, 2020

I would find out if they have a replacement policy (may be up to a year) just in case these take a turn for the worse. I would also let them know your suspicions and if the disease is verified, I would ask for a replacement.

The holes could be either from a pest or the fungal disease.

The spots could indicate a fungal disease such as leaf spot or Shot Hole disease. If there aren't too many leaves affected, pull off those leaves with spots and discard in the trash.

Keep up with the watering and feeding needs of the plants and those around them.





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