Q.I Started My Garlic 2 1/2 Months Ago. Started Bulbs In Water ,roots Came In Good, 2-3\
3 1/2″ apart 2 1/2 ” deep’. I used Miracle Grow garden dirt and peat moss, they have been growing on a table in front of the wi ndow and have grown up 10 to 14 ” tall . Now some of the long leaves are drooping over, every thing is green . I used a moistur e meter and it says dry, moist ,wet , mine is moist but close to wet . I water every 2 weeks , it stays pretty moist. I take the water reading near the bottom of the pot. Should I remix my dirt with less peat moss. I mixed it about 50/50 or just water less and see
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You should only water once the soil is very dry down to about 3 inches or so. Garlic will not appreciate soils that stay moist, consistently. Make sure that all extra water is allowed to leave the container, freely, and that it never sits in standing water.
Here is an article that will help you to grow them in container: