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Comfrey Plants

Q.I Repoted This Comfrey Plant And Saw Some Of The Roots Brown, Could This Be Root Rot?

Zone Rhodes, Greece | istman.blade added on April 6, 2022 | Answered

Hello from Greece and Congratulations for the best ever gardening website. During repot of this beautiful comfrey plant i noticed some of the roots brown. Some people say it is the browning of the soil that made the roots look brown like that but i am very worried that this could be root rot.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 7, 2022

It is common for roots to get stained. I wouldn't worry too much. If you are still concerned, you could give it a dusting of wettable sulfur.

Where you would be worried, would be if the roots were soft and squishy. This could indicate rot. Otherwise, everything looks pretty healthy, to me!


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