Q.I recently took all my grass out of front yard. Crushed granite on top. Now I have weeds weeds weeds! I can pull weeds for hours a
nd still have weeds! Every shape, form-I have! When the grass was removed, workers layed some black mesh type liner before spreading the granite. I’ve tried all kinds of weed killer, weed birth control, home remedies, even tried to burn them….they wouldnt burn! Vinegar kills a few type…not most though. I’ve spent a fortune on ground covering, plants, only to have weeds take over! I pulled 18 weeds-roots intact in a one square foot area! Please help me!!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Have you tried an herbicide that kills everything? Not just a weed killer but a product containing glyphosate? If that doesn't work, contact your local extension office for guidance.