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Schefflera Plants

Q.I received a schefflera plant for Christmas 2018. It is 8 feet tall, nice and bushy. It is in an area that has a skylight .

Zone Lamar, Colorado (SE Colorado almost Kansas) | Anonymous added on May 19, 2020 | Answered

This is basically the only lighting it gets. The top leaves of the tree are getting black and curled up. Almost looks like they are burnt. Is this skylight at fault? What should I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 20, 2020

Schefflera leaves will burn if they get direct light, but that usually appears as yellow spots that turn to brown leaves. Most problems are often related to over-watering. I would cut off any diseased looking leaves at the top and prune it down a bit, then treat it with Neem oil. Make sure it's not being overwatered. Wait till the soil is dry 3/4 the way down before watering again.


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