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Norfolk Island Pine Trees

Q.Help for Norfolk Pine

Anonymous added on April 24, 2014 | Answered

I purchased a Norfolk Pine just before Christmas and until about 3 weeks ago, it was healthy and the needles were soft. Suddenly, it started losing branches – not just needles – BRANCHES. How can I “revive” it?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 30, -0001

"It is normal for Norfolk Island pine trees to have some browning on the bottom branches (and even some dropping of the branches as they mature). But if the branches seem to be high on the plant or if they can be found all over the tree, this is a sign that the plant is either overwatered, underwatered or is not getting enough humidity. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/norfolk-pine/norfolk-island-pine-care.htm, https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/norfolk-pine/norfolk-dropping-branches.htm,

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Answered on April 25, 2014

Unfortunately, once a needle or branch turns brown it cannot be restored. The only thing that can be done is trim it from the plant.
One of the few absolute requirements of this araucaria variety is that the soil MUST be kept moist. Did you have a momentary lapse in doing so? Have you given it any fertilizer since you acquired the plant? Another BIG no-no is potting media that is too wet. That can also cause the problem described.
I am trying to sprout some Norfolks from seed right now. No luck yet.
Proper watering is a fairly thorough soak then letting the excess drain away.
I just discovered first-hand that there are Norfolk Island Pines all over the island of Bermuda. They are the tallest trees on the island and are quite unusual looking. An odd upward growing of the branches. Very unique and distinctive even from a distance.

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