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Calla Lily Plants

Q.I Purchase Calla Lily Bulbs, And Without Knowing Any Better And Planted Them In Early Spring Before The Last Frost. Two Of The Bul

Zone Dayton Ohio | Erin added on May 28, 2020 | Answered

bs had already started to sprout. After the frost they shrunk back. O a different one has started to sprout again. Are the others in danger of never sprouting? And if so,does that mean they won’t sprout for next year either? What is p h of the ground

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 28, 2020

Calla lily produces beautiful flowers. It likes warm weather and soil as you have discovered. With a cool spring in some parts of the US, soil doesn't warm up and the bulbs languish. Now that it is warmer, the tubers will probably poke through soon. A tuber the size of a golf ball may have spent its energy in sending up the initial leaves when frost hit. A larger tuber has enough stored energy to send up more leaves. Tubers should be set just under the soil. Calla lilies require soil that is kept moist. More information is in the following article: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/calla-lily/growing-calla-lilies-and-care-of-calla-lilies.htm

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