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Artichoke Plants

Q.artichoke plants

Zone 7b | M_hazelo added on October 12, 2015 | Answered

I planted artichoke by seed and repotted them. I want to know if I should plant them into the garden now or wait until spring. Also, do they need to be protected from cold? I live in zone 7b. There are 4 plants in 2 of the pots and 2 in another. Are in 5 gallon pots.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 13, 2015

You may have difficulty growing Artichoke in your garden, due to the temperatures and the length on growing time needed for plant production.

You can try keeping them outdoors while the temps are warm during the day, then moving indoors for the evening.

If the them temps become to cold, you also can try adding a grow light indoors.

Here are some links for you.


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