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Persimmon Trees

Q.I planted a fuyu persimmons tree. How often and how long do I water my tree?

Zone I believe zone 9, Northern CA | Anonymous added on September 10, 2019 | Answered

This is my 2nd attempt to grow this this type of tree. It is my favorite fruit to eat . Please help me save it. Its been in the ground since early summer. It was in shock. But some leafs are brown and dry while others are half brown/dry and half green. The soil is clay. I was careful to dig a deep hole and mix plenty of potty soil with my dirt. Thanks for any ideas to save my tree.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 10, 2019

Clay soil is not usually well-draining, but the potting soil should help. Compost or well-rotted manure is actually better to loosen the soil. You can still add that to the top of your soil. They also prefer slightly acidic soil so you may need to fertilize with an acid fertilizer in spring. Your tree may not be getting enough water. Young trees need frequent water to establish a deep root system and once a week thereafter. During periods of drought, supply additional irrigation.
Hope that helps!


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