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Castor Bean Plants

Q.I Originally Planted Some Caster Beans Outside Of My Garden. I Understand That The Seed, As Well As, The Leaves Are Poisonous. Th

Zone 88415 | Quint Callis added on August 8, 2022 | Answered

inking that the caster beans were not coming up, I planted some okra. Now, that are both thriving and doing good. Would I need t o cautious of eating my okra now? I originally planted some caster beans outside of my garden. I understand that the seed, as well as, the leaves are poisonous. Thinking that the caster beans were not coming up, I planted some okra. Now, that are both thriving and doing good. Would I need to cautious of eating my okra now?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 9, 2022

There doesn't appear to be any danger of ricin passing into the soil region. There would be no reason to fear the plant being nearby as long as you do not consume the seeds.



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