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Hyacinth Plant

Q.list of plants for wooded, shaded, wet area

Zone 21069 | tommyboy832 added on December 29, 2015 | Answered

I need list of plants that I can plant in a wooded shaded, very wet (sometimes standing water) area with mostly leaves on ground.

Looking for options for a low lying area between yards that has been in the past ignored and a place to blow the leaves to. I have been clearing under the trees (smaller trees, some misc. vines). It is mostly decade leaves, branches, and always wet with sometimes standing water for days. I want to put something in there (flowers, bushes, small trees,…). There is also one particular place beside a shed that is almost always standing water or mud. Something different that will absorb a lot of water. Nothing with thorns please. Any ideas?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 30, 2015

Here is a link that has an extensive list of possible trees, shrubs and ground covers.


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