Q.I need help identifying and possible cooking suggestion
I just need help identifying three squashes a neighbor gave me … she did not know what they are, someone gave them to her.
Two look like a sunflower. Very gold/orange, with a raised center like the seed pad on a sunflower, and then 10 short rounded “petals” around it.
The other is a small flatish white gourd, about 4.5 in. across, and looks a bit like a flying saucer. Thicker in the middle, and scalloped slightly around the edges.
I have no idea what they are, cannot locate them online, so do not even know if these are for decor, or can be baked.
Thanks so much,
Thank you :)
I can see how that would describe the small white one, from the sites I am bringing up, but cannot find a pic identifying the big yellow....or are they a version of the same variety?
Thanks for the help.
Those look like patty pan squash. Numerous recipes are on the web. Enjoy!