Q.I May Have Killed My Rose Tree – Help
I have been caring for a rose tree for several years. The stem is around 2’ tall. It had 4 major branches that extended out of the bulb at the top of the stem (trunk?). In its prime it was a beautiful red rosebush almost 3’ in diameter. Two of the major stems have died off due to a mistake I made with fertilizer…My question is can I rehabilitate the plant possibly by cutting the bulb off the stem and waiting for it to sprout limbs again or have I ruined my rose….. thankx
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Likely, it is not on its own rootstock, but grafted. This will mean that a true cutting will not be very likely. Unfortunately, your photos did not come through and I am unable to see the extent of the damage. I will not be able to tell if this can be fixed from this alone.
This link will take you to some of our most common rose articles that can help: