Q.I live on view lot overlooking valley- neighbor lives on lot below me-he planted fruitless mulberry tree 4 yrs ago already 20 ft
tall. Help. He seems sorry about the tree. says he didn’t know what it was when he planted it. I offered to cut down the tree and replace it with a tree that would not exceed 25 ft tall. Doesn’t like that idea – says he’ll just top it every year so it wont block my view…He lives on a slope and I just don’t see him climbing up on a tall ladder at 60 yrs of age and doing that…any ideas to help me out? thank you

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Fruitless Mulberry Trees are fast growing and can reach 35 feet or more. Topping any tree is a no-no.
Pruning this size tree would need to be done most likely by a qualified tree service or arborist. I doubt your neighbor will want to invest in that every few years to keep it under control. The replanting of a shorter tree was a good idea.