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Ixora Shrubs

Q.I live in zone 7 and have my Ixora in a container. If I bring this plant indoors, basement or garage in the fall,

Zone 21122 | Anonymous added on May 10, 2020 | Answered

will the Ixora survive and if so what type of care will I need to provide next spring, i.e cut back, fertilizer etc.
Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 12, 2020

Your plant cannot tolerate freezing weather, so you are right - you should bring it in for the winter and put it back out after there's no danger of frost. It may lose a few leaves but it should come back in the spring. This plant likes its soil to be somewhat acidic. You can fertilize it with mulch or bark or other organic materials or use ornamental plant food from your nursery.

Here's an article about Ixora:

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