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Honeysuckle Plants

Q.honeysuckle leaves turning yellow

Zone New York City | joannenelson56 added on July 11, 2015 | Answered

I live in New York City. My terrace faces west and my plants receive sun from about 3 pm until dusk. My honeysuckle plant is in a container. I just bought it this spring. It had many yellow flowers and bloomed for a month or two but I’ve noticed that many of the leaves are turning yellow and there are far fewer flowers. It is the only plant on my terrace that looks unhappy! I would love to have it cover my terrace wall which does have a trellis. I don’t see any aphids or any other type of insect invading it. But it is definitely not flourishing. I fertilize it every couple of weeks with Neptune’s Organic Harvest Fish and Seaweed Fertilizer 2-3-1 and keep the soil relatively moist.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 13, 2015

Yellowing leaves is generally a sign of watering issue. Either to much or not enough.

Make sure the pot is well draining and that the plant is not sitting in soggy soil
Most likely though the plant needs more water. When temperatures are above 85 degrees you will need to water twice daily for container plants.

Honeysuckle does prefer full sun, but it can grow in partial shade. Though this can be also a reason for yellowing leaves or poor growth, water is the first recommendation.
Also use a balanced fertilizer, look for 10-10-10. To much Nitrogen will slow flowers growth.
Here is a link for you.

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