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Q.I live in Mich. and my neighbor has 2x4s against the fence, which has my yard under water every time it rains hard or in spring when

Zone livonia, mich. | bcmiles1999 added on February 27, 2019 | Answered

the snow melts. I want to plant something to blot her out. I live in 5 planting area. Carol Buchanan —  I have tried speaking to her, but do not want to start a war.. something else would suit me. Shrubs, trees, anything to take up the water. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 1, 2019

An area that has sitting water will most likely need to have some action taken to either divert water or improve drainage of the soil.
Is this a low point in your yard? What type of soil does your yard contain?
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