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Devil's Backbone Plants

Q.I Left My Plant Out Without Soil For Few Hours, And It’s Been A Week Since I Poted It. And It’s Still Very Droopy. What Should

Zone 32828 | Jiayi An added on August 26, 2020 | Answered

I do? I water them once a week, mist them daily, and they are indoor with bright Indirect sun

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 26, 2020

This can happen with stress, and with age. It is very likely that the plant will not regain its upright stature, or at least not the existing foliage and not fully.

What you can do is prune each branch by about 1/3. Or if that makes you uncomfortable, prune just the tip off. This will promote new growth. Please take care, as the sap will be highly irritant to skin for many people.

Once you have a fair amount of new growth, you can trim out older branches, and let the new growth take over.

Try to give it bright light without being direct light. The brighter the better, without exposing it to direct sunlight.

Last, make sure that the soil is well draining. They won't tolerate remaining wet for too long. Take care not to overwater these.

Here is an article for more information on the plant:


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