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Sweet Potato Plants

Q.i just planted some sweet potato shoots with roots in my northern garden. Only 3 of the shoots have retained their leaves I left

Zone st. andrews, new brunswick. zone 5 | Anonymous added on June 10, 2020 | Answered

2 with each shoot. Will the rooted shoots produce more vines or have I lost them this year?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 11, 2020

Transplanted slips or sprouts die or do not produce vines. Remedy: Sweet potato transplants (slips) must be kept evenly moist until they root. Transplant out slips that are good sized, not slips that are thin or frail. Set transplants in the ground up to their top leaves; bury the remaining nodes so that they will root.

The slips that have lost all the leaves will not likely survive.


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