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Azalea Plants

Q.azalea plant in shock

Zone 98938 | dizzied added on April 15, 2015 | Answered

I just planted a azalea and it seems in shock. Should I cut wilting flowers? I purchased a potted azalea and planted it. I followed instructions but it seems to be in shock. The leaves are bright but flowers are wilting. should I cut it back?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 16, 2015

I wouldn't cut it back just yet. How many days has it been since you transplanted it - it just may need time to adjust to its new home.

Was it exposed to weather under 30 degrees? Azaleas don't fare well under 30.

What care have you given the plant since it was transplanted? Have you watered it, for instance?

And, was the plant in bloom when you transplanted it? It is best to transplant azaleas when they are not in bloom. And, azalea blooms typically only last a few weeks, so maybe this was just their natural demise.

For more information on the care of azaleas, please visit the following link:

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