Q.I Just Bought A Small Money Tree In A Small Pot & Transferred To A Large One When I Got Home & Put Outdoors. The Next Day The Leav
es had brown & white spots and appear dying. What do I do? Do I need to bring indoors? I reside in Long Island – NY Did the re-potting do damage? Too much water initially? It’s approx. 12″ high
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Couple things here. The repotting was stressful, plus the new pot is bigger than needed. When repotting, just go up one or two sizes in pot size. Any bigger and the volume of soil holds more water than the plant needs, essentially overwatering it.
The whitish spots are from sunscald. It needs to be gradually introduced to the outside. Money trees only need dappled shade outside for the summer, not sun.
Here is its care instructions and how to harden off a plant: