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Q.I Just Bought A Broke Pairs A Coke Months Ago, Reporter It. It Has A Beautiful Flower But It Is Leaning G Or Falling Over. Why Is

Zone 65803 | stills1971 added on April 12, 2021 | Answered

I’m not sure what type it is for the tag just say brome laid.. I enclosed a photo..

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 12, 2021

Oh my Stars, I just saw the question I asked.. And it wasn't what came out.. So I will ask again. I bought a bromelaid a couple months ago.. It was flowered and beaufiful. I repotted it, and now the flower is bending or falling over.. Why is this happening . I had even tied a string around it to try and straighten it up.. But its still leaning over.. Help plse. I'm new to this plant and I love it.. I don't want to kill it.. Thank you

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