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Hawthorn Trees

Q.I have what appears to be woodworm in a hawthorn tree. Is this possible ?

Zone Mansfield, Notts. | bob.how added on April 23, 2019 | Answered

If the above question is likely what can be done about it ?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 24, 2019

Woodworm larvae are usually a creamy white color and have curved bodies. It’s highly unlikely you’ll ever actually see woodworm larvae, as they stay hidden munching away on timber until they are fully-grown. Adult wood boring beetles look different depending on their species, the Common Furniture beetle is a brown winged beetle, typically 3-4mm in length.
If your tree is softened by decay; it is possible to have these beetles.
An insecticide that is permethrin based can be used but always follow the directions on the container.

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