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Azalea Plants

Q.I Have Two Azaleas. Each One Is In My Breezeway Safe From Deer. They Both Receive Morning Sun. One Does Very Well But The Other

Zone Rochester, Washington, 98579 | Anonymous added on December 13, 2020 | Answered

loses most leaves during the fall. I plan to fertilize and follow the advice given here. But am wondering if something else is wrong like bugs eating the roots? Both Azaleas were bought at the same time and are around 3 to 4yrs old. One has deep deep green small leaves and the other has larger light green leaves. My breezeway roughly runs from west to east and they get the morning sun until around noon. The one that drops most of its leaves is the one that has the bigger green leaves. I plan on following the advice from your article about Azalea Fertilizer etc. But I am wondering if maybe there is some kind of bugs or something eating at its roots. I plan to change the soil to the kind that was recommended and see if it helps. That is if it survives the winter. I live in western Washington State if that helps at all. My oriental maple does not do well either. Azaleas are in pots the tree is not. Tree has only grown maybe a foot in ten yrs!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 14, 2020

I'm wondering if perhaps they are two different varieties. Some azaleas are deciduous and naturally drop their leaves in the fall. Here's an article with ideas about what may be happening with your plant:

Is that a Japanese maple? I would have the soil tested for a deficiency. Also, if the soil is clayey or compacted, it could affect its growth.


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