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Q.I Have This Plant Outside Rather Its A Bushy Bush And The Leaves Are The Shape Of Our Maple Leaf, But Has Maybe 3 Points, It Also

Zone Terrace bay. Ontario 3 | crochetlady24@gmail.com added on May 7, 2023 | Answered

has small berries that almost looks like a cranberry, its very pretty in the call with the red berries against the white snow.i h avent a clue what it s called, maybe someone has the same and could id it for me has small berries that almost looks like a cranberry, its very pretty in the call with the red berries against the white snow.i h avent a clue what it s called, maybe someone has the same and could id it for me I Dont have pictures of this

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 8, 2023

Without photos, this could be difficult. From all of the hints that you have given me, though, it sounds like you are describing Viburnum opulus, the Geulder Rose.


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