Q.I Have Small Holes In The Trunk Of My Red Maple Tree Are These Ants? Also I Have A Part Of The Crotch Of Tree Insulated Due To A T
ree services opinion to keep from rain getting in a damaging more should i take away the insulation? Last question is a squirrel/g round hog has chewed at bark in crotch area of tree about 4 inches to 2 inches what can be done to help tree heal or do I need to put something on it, if you can please help this red maple is about 60 years old I want, i need to save it, thank you for your tim e, Bobbie
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The tree may have tree borers which are very hard to treat. Here is more information below. I would remove any insulation you have on the tree. Also, here is information about rodents chewing bark.