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Potato Plants

Q.I Have Several Tubs (400m Wide X 300m Deep) How Many Seed Potatoes Should I Plant In Each Tub

Zone Bromley, Kent | rogerpester45 added on February 14, 2024 | Answered

I am planting Charlotte and Maris Piper

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 14, 2024

I will assume that this is meant to be measured in cm, since a bed that size would be massive! With this being said- To get the capacity of each bed, you'll need to find out how many plants that you can fit going down the length and width. At 400cm, and at a spacing of 75 cm per plant (Both cultivars have this requirement), that would be 5 plants per row, since you'd have to round down a little.

Going down a length of 300cm, and a gap of 75cm, you can fit 4 potatoes. This will be 20 plants per bed, multiplying the rows going down and rows going across.

This search page will contain articles that can help you with potato care and preparation:


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