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Viburnum Shrubs

Q.I have several sweet viburnum trees that have smaller plants below the tree from seeds that have fllen and rooted.

Zone Havana, fl | Tbyrd added on December 2, 2018 | Answered

I have several sweet viburnum trees that have smaller plants below the tree from seeds that have fallen and rooted. What is the best way to dig these up and replant them somewhere else in my yard? Some are just a large stick with leaves, will this grow into a trunk? I dug up several last year and 2 of the 4 rooted and are growing. They just do not look like a true tree. Please advise.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 4, 2018

They are likely hybrid, and definitely not true from seed. Most viburnum will not develop a single trunk and will require very constant maintenance to keep it that way. They will normally grow as heavily branching shrubs. You have probably already noticed this from planting seedlings from this shrub.

With this being said, it sounds like you already have a method for transplanting them, since there are successful proofs of this. You can do the same as before, and expect similar results.

The only way to have an exact copy of your tree viburnum will be to clone it from tip cuttings. This article will help you to do this: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/how-to-root-cuttings-from-various-shrubs-bushes-and-trees.htm

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Answered on December 5, 2018

Thank you for answering this for me! Yes, the 2 that did root look like branching shrubs, not exactly a tree. I'll try rooting some softwood and hardwood cuttings and see which one works best. Will probably try to purchase some more trees too since I need some mature ones to fill in some areas between the neighbors house and mine. Many thanks!

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