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Rhododendron Plants

Q.I Have Several Rose Bushes And A Rhododendron Affected In The Same Way, With Thin, Tiny Leaves And Buds. At Its Worst The Leaves A

Zone DH7 0LA | Anonymous added on July 21, 2022 | Answered

re virtually non-existent. What could have done this? Some leaves have survived on some areas of the plants. I am not sure whether to try and cut back further to encourage new growth or whether this will weaken the plant further. There didn’t seem to be any growth at all from early Spring until these tiny bits of leaves appeared.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 1, 2022

The last photo looks like rose rosette disease, which is incurable. That may be what the other roses suffer from. Here is more:


I can't tell which is the rhododendron, but here are common problems with it:


There is also a disease similar to rose rosette that affects many ornamentals. It is called aster yellows.



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